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TinyML EdX Courses


Course 1 now available!

Teaching Experience


Guest Lecturer for Embedded EthiCS:


  • Social Media & Content Regulation (w/ Meica Magnani)

    • Course: Intro to Computer Science​

  • Privacy and Power

    • Course: TinyML​


Guest Lecturer for Harvard's online EdX curriculum:


  • Responsible AI Design

  • Responsible AI Development

    • Course: Applications of TinyML

  • Responsible AI Deployment

    • Course: Deployment of TinyML​


Instructor of Record:


- Bioethics 

- Ethics of Information & Technology

- Political Philosophy: Justice

- Epistemology: Unveiling Knowledge

- Great Philosophers


Teaching fellow:


- Medical Ethics (x2)

- Introduction to Philosophy

- Introduction to Ethics

- Existentialism

- Reasoning & Argumentation


Ethics of Information and Technology

We currently live in an era marked by technological innovation and the transmission of information. As technology becomes an inalienable part of human life, there is an increasing demand to consider the ethical implications of new technologies and their impact on how we receive and transmit various types of data: medical, genetic, and personal. This course will offer an opportunity to combine ethical theory and practice as we engage with important and timely questions: To what extent does the individual have a right to information or to access data? When is that right mitigated by public health interests, national security interests, or privacy interests? How do the values and norms of people change in interaction with technologies? Syllabus


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This course invites you to explore the tentacular field of bioethics. As human beings demonstrate an ever-increasing control over nature with biomedical innovation, we are confronted with urgent questions concerning individuals’ rights, social justice, moral responsibility, and what it means to live a flourishing life. What does it mean to be healthy or to have a disability? What are the ethical and legal issues surrounding abortion and euthanasia? WhoWhile combining perspectives from ethics, medicine, law, and feminist philosophy, you will pursue a research project that culminates in a simulated conference-style poster presentation at the end of the course. Readings will include works by Judith Jarvis Thomson, Allen Buchanan, Barbara Katz Rothman, and Tsjalling Swierstra. Syllabus


Epistemology: Unveiling Knowledge

What is knowledge? How can we be sure that we are living in reality rather than a dream? When are we justified in our beliefs? How is one's social identity relevant to the pursuit of knowledge? In this course you will be introduced to Epistemology, the branch of philosophy that specializes in addressing such questions.  We will explore these questions and more by reading famous philosophers such as Plato, René Descartes, Jennifer Nagel and Miranda Fricker. Our aim will be to launch a careful and critical investigation into knowledge that will strip away some of its mystery, provide you with an understanding of some of the influential work in the field of epistemology, and prepare you to make connections between the course material and current social issues. Syllabus

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